Mélanie Bourguignon wins Tamara Hareven Award for best PhD

At the recent European Society for Historical Demographics Conference in Nijmegen, EPIBEL researcher Mélanie Bourguignon won the Tamara Hareven Award for best PhD in Historical Dempography with her work titled Fécondité et régimes démographiques au 19e siècle dans les campagnes du sud de la Wallonie - many congratulations!


EPIBEL session at ESSHC 2023 @Gothenburg

For all the latest EPIBEL results, make sure to visit the European Social Science History Conference in Gothenburg on 15 April 2023. In the session Pandemics: Learning from a Deep and 'Shallow' Past (FAM12), you can attend the following lectures by EPIBEL team members: Isabelle Devos, Mélanie Bourguignon, Emmanuel Debruyne,…


EPIBEL-team presents results at various conferences

Earlier this month the EPIBEL team presented some of the first results on our research into historical epidemics at the European Society of Historical Demograpics Conference 2022 in Madrid (ESHD). In the coming weeks you can also find us at the Economic History Society Conference 2022 in Cambridge (UK, EHS)…