EPIBEL-team presents results at various conferences

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Earlier this month the EPIBEL team presented some of the first results on our research into historical epidemics at the European Society of Historical Demograpics Conference 2022 in Madrid (ESHD). In the coming weeks you can also find us at the Economic History Society Conference 2022 in Cambridge (UK, EHS) and at the XXIe colloque international de L’Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française (AIDELF) in Athens.

Presentations at the ESHD:

  • Isabelle Devos & Hilde Greefs (with Sanne Muurling, Tim Riswick, Katalin Buzasi): A deadly tale of two cities: smallpox, urban space, and social inequalities in Amsterdam and Antwerp, 1870-1872
  • Isabelle Devos (with Sven Vrielinck, Torsten Wiedemann): Mapping the cholera epidemic in the city of Brussels, 1866
  • Jord Hanus, Isabelle Devos & Tim Soens: Socioeconomic status and epidemic mortality in an urban environment: Mechelen (Belgium) 1600-1900 (also to be presented at the EHS)

Planned presentations at the AIDELF:

  • Mélanie Bourguignon , Emmanuel Debruyne, Isabelle Devos, Yoann Doignon, Thierry Eggerickx, Hilde Greefs, Jord Hanus, Philippe Paeps, Wouter Ronsijn, Jean-Paul Sanderson, Tim Soens: La grippe espagnole (1918-19) en Belgique : une maladie socialement neutre ?
  • Mélanie Bourguignon , Emmanuel Debruyne, Isabelle Devos, Yoann Doignon, Thierry Eggerickx, Hilde Greefs, Jord Hanus, Philippe Paeps, Wouter Ronsijn, Jean-Paul Sanderson, Tim Soens: Disparités spatiales de l’épidémie de grippe espagnole (1918-19) en Belgique
  • Mélanie Bourguignon , Yoann Doignon, Thierry Eggerickx, Jean-Paul Sanderson: Les déterminants individuels et spatiaux de la mortalité pendant la pandémie de Covid- 19 en Belgique