New publication on cholera in Oudenaarde (1849)

Wouter Ronsijn just published "Historische Epidemieën: Cholera in 1849 in Oudenaarde", a study of the 1849 cholera outbreak in Flemish Oudenaarde. His analysis covers medical, social and spatial variables, such as the geographical spread of cholera morbidity and mortality as shown below: Source: see paper You can find the paper…


It is out! Our first EPIBEL publication! The very first overview of the Spanish flu in Belgium.

Devos, I., Bourguignon, M., Debruyne, E., Doignon, Y., Eggerickx, T., Greefs, H., Hanus, J., Ronsijn, W., and Soens, T. (2021). The Spanish Flu in Belgium, 1918-1919: A State of the Art. Historical Social Research, Supplement, 33, 251-283. Read it here: Source: Cartography by UCL Centre de Recherche en Démographie…